Procedure for forestry crops
1 of the tasks of the Board for plant varieties is to register varieties and stands of forest propagating material. Guiding for this is the EU-Forestry Directive (1999/105/EEC).

Filing an application
Applications can be submitted via an application form to the Centre for Genetic Resources Netherlands (CGN). An application can be regular or shortened via a so-called QuickScan.
Minimum requirements for admission
There are minimum requirements for admission per category. The 4 existing categories of propagating material are:
- Of known origin (SI) - autochthonous seed source or stand
- Selected (S) - selected for appearance at population level according to EU-standards
- Selected (Q) - from seed orchards or clones individually selected for appearance
- Tested (T) - added value proven after additional testing through VCU-examination
The requiremenst are listed on this webpage of the website of the national register of trees.
Directive and non-directive species
The species list of trees distinguishes between:
1. Directive species
These are species covered by the EU-Forestry Directive. Registration and admission is mandatory.
2. Non-directive species
These are species not covered by the EU-Forestry Directive. Registration and admission is not mandatory, but the material can be certified just like directive species.
Climate change and scarcity of material are challenges facing the forestry sector and the Board. The report "Planten voor de toekomst" provides tools for solutions in this regard.
Admission of a forest stand
- The forest stand is judged by CGN for its external quality. A report is drawn up. This report is assessed by the independent ‘Advisory Committee of the national register of trees’ and accepted if approved.
- If it concerns a forest stand of a directive species, this report still has to be officially approved by the Board for plant varieties.
- For non-directive species, the advice of Advisory Committee is sufficient.
- The applicant is informed of the results.
- Approved forest stands are published in the national register of trees.
- The contents of the national register of trees are transmitted annually to the EU for inclusion in the common EU-database of approved forest propagating material: FOREMATIS.
Plant breeders' rights
It is also possible to apply for plant breeders' rights protection for varieties. The variety must then meet the so-called DUS-criteria, among others. An application for national plant breeders' rights can be submitted to the Board for plant varieties. More information about the DUS-test can be found on the Naktuinbouw website. For regular forest stands, however, this is not relevant.