Uniformity requirements for acceptance of organic varieties of some vegetable and agricultural crops adjusted

From July 1, 2023, two new implementing directives for acceptance of some organically grown varieties of agricultural and vegetable crops entered into force in the EU. This makes it possible to submit organic varieties of some vegetable and agricultural crops with adapted uniformity requirements for admission to the Board for plant varieties.

Uniformity requirements adjusted

For organic varieties of a limited number of vegetable and arable crops, less stringent uniformity requirements for some characteristics will apply from July 1, 2023. For vegetable crops, for now this only concerns kohlrabi and carrot. For agricultural crops, it concerns barley, corn, rye and wheat.


The different uniformity requirements were introduced with the entry into force of two Community implementing directives for the acceptance of organically grown varieties of agricultural and vegetable crops (EU No. 2022/1647 and EU No. 2022/1648). Some specific characteristics that may be less uniform are defined for the mentioned crops. The less stringent requirements only apply for admission, the uniformity requirements for plant variety rights remain unchanged in accordance with the current technical protocols.


A breeder/applicant can apply for an organic variety for admission under the following conditions:

  1. the applicant must add a proof that the variety is produced organically (e.g. by attaching an organic certificate from Skal to the application);
  2. the applicant must declare on the application form that it is an organic variety in accordance with EU Organic Regulation No. 2018/418 and;
  3. the applicant indicates on the TQ the characteristics on which the variety is less uniform.


The organic nature of the variety will be indicated in the Dutch Variety Register.


The test will be carried out by Naktuinbouw (or another EU testing station) and will be included in the regular DUS trial. This is an experiment for the time being. Based on the evaluation in a few years, it will be decided whether adjustments are necessary and whether there will be an extension to other characteristics and/or crops.

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