Provide a completed technical questionnaire (TQ)
To be able to process applications for listing and/or plant breeders' rights in the Netherlands, it is necessary that the information on the technical quistionnaire is complete and correctly filled in.
Provide a completed technical questionnaire (TQ)
Would you like to apply for listing and/or Plant Breeders' Rights in the Netherlands? Make sure you complete the Technical Questionnaire (TQ). If the TQ is not completed, the Board for Plant Varieties will not process the application.
The technical questionnaire asks for some crops, among other things, about the presence or absence of resistance. You are obliged to enter here truthfully, i.e. on the basis of a reliable test, whether the variety is resistant or susceptible.
You can perform this test yourself, but you can also ask Naktuinbouw to test your sample. We have fixed rates, see the fees of Variety Testing, see section Resistance tests. You can fill in the result of this test on the Technical Questionnaire accompanying the application.
Bekijk ook

News item
Annual meeting Variety Testing Department / Board for plant varieties
We invite you to an annual meeting to discuss al your applications of Plant Breeders' Rights and/or listing in the Netherlands.

News item
Changes reporting resistances in DUS variety descriptions
Changes in the reporting of resistances in DUS variety descriptions
Resistance characteristics that are not included in the CPVO protocols (neither in the UPOV guidelines nor in the national guidelines) and that have not been submitted as additional characteristics will no longer be mentioned in official variety descriptions, not even under point 16 (Additional Information).
This concerns resistances indicated by the applicant as additional information (for example, in the TQ). This change was announced and adopted by the CPVO during the CPVO Meeting of Examination Offices (MEO) in December 2024. The relevant document in the CPVO Vademecum will be adjusted. As of January 1, 2025, resistance claims for such diseases will no longer be added to official variety descriptions.
We still gladly receive this relevant information in the TQs for the completeness of our database (and for any future changes in protocols or the procedure for additional characteristics).

News item
Gazette of the Board for plant varieties February 2025
The Gazette is the government publication sheet. The new Gazette is published every month.