Invoicing time for DUS-testing fee for national applications will change as of 1 January 2023

The fees for the DUS testing can be found on Applicable fees - Raad voor plantenrassen

Invoicing time for DUS-testing fee for national applications will change as of 1 January 2023

From January 1, the Board for plant varieties will follow the CPVO's system used for payment of examination fees to Examination Offices.

This means that from 1 January, the DUS-testing fee for applications for registration and/or plant breeders’ rights in the Netherlands will be charged 10 days after the deadline for submitting the identity material has passed. In practice, the invoice will be sent 10 days after the deadline for submitting the identity material has passed and the trial has started at Naktuinbouw.

This way we connect the moment of invoicing with the actual start of the DUS-test

In this way, invoices are only sent for DUS-tests for applications for which the trial and DUS-test has started. We expect this to reduce the number of unnecessary invoices or credit notes. In practice, this means that in many cases invoices are sent later than in the current situation.


Crediting DUS-testing fee in case of withdrawal of national applications will change from 1 January 2023

From January 1, the Board for plant varieties will follow the CPVO's system used for payment of examination fees to Examination Offices.

When withdrawing the national application for registration and/or plant breeders’ rights in the Netherlands, we will follow this procedure from 1 January:

• Withdrawal before or on the submission deadline or before or on the last day of the submission period: 25% of the DUS-testing fee will be charged;

• Withdrawal after the submission deadline or after the last day of the submission period: 100% of the DUS-testing fee will be charged.


We use a uniform working method

We believe that this makes it clear to you as an applicant what costs you can expect when withdrawing an application. In addition, we also ensure that the costs incurred by Naktuinbouw in preparation for the DUS-test are reimbursed.

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Changes reporting resistances in DUS variety descriptions

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Changes reporting resistances in DUS variety descriptions

Changes in the reporting of resistances in DUS variety descriptions

Resistance characteristics that are not included in the CPVO protocols (neither in the UPOV guidelines nor in the national guidelines) and that have not been submitted as additional characteristics will no longer be mentioned in official variety descriptions, not even under point 16 (Additional Information).

This concerns resistances indicated by the applicant as additional information (for example, in the TQ). This change was announced and adopted by the CPVO during the CPVO Meeting of Examination Offices (MEO) in December 2024. The relevant document in the CPVO Vademecum will be adjusted. As of January 1, 2025, resistance claims for such diseases will no longer be added to official variety descriptions.

We still gladly receive this relevant information in the TQs for the completeness of our database (and for any future changes in protocols or the procedure for additional characteristics).

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