Applying for prolongation if there is a representative
Possibility to apply for prolongation (renewal of registration of a vegetable or agricultural variety) when there is a representative. This year, varieties registered in 2008, 2009 and 2015 can apply for prlongation. This also applies to all varieties of potato and sugar beet registered before 2015.
Applying for prolongation if there is a representative
The maintainer of a variety is responsible for prolongation. In September, the Board for plant varieties notifies the maintainers of varieties eligible for prolongation. If a variety is not applied for prolongation, the variety will be deleted from the national variety register and the EU Common Catalogue. Trade is then no longer possible.
A maintainer can have prolongation applied for by a representative.
As a grower/maintainer, you receive the invitation for prolongation. But if you have a representative, please contact that person/company. They can then apply for prolongation on your behalf.
Are you or your organisation a representative of varieties eligible for re-registration?
If so, please contact the breeder/maintainer of the variety so that you as the representative can submit the application.
Please note: the maintainer is responsible for applying for prolongation at all times. Publications on the admission years eligible for prolongation will appear on the website of the Board for plant varieties and in the Gazette around September. More information on re-registration can be found on the website of the Board for plant varieties.
Bekijk ook

News item
Annual meeting Variety Testing Department / Board for plant varieties
We invite you to an annual meeting to discuss al your applications of Plant Breeders' Rights and/or listing in the Netherlands.

News item
Changes reporting resistances in DUS variety descriptions
Changes in the reporting of resistances in DUS variety descriptions
Resistance characteristics that are not included in the CPVO protocols (neither in the UPOV guidelines nor in the national guidelines) and that have not been submitted as additional characteristics will no longer be mentioned in official variety descriptions, not even under point 16 (Additional Information).
This concerns resistances indicated by the applicant as additional information (for example, in the TQ). This change was announced and adopted by the CPVO during the CPVO Meeting of Examination Offices (MEO) in December 2024. The relevant document in the CPVO Vademecum will be adjusted. As of January 1, 2025, resistance claims for such diseases will no longer be added to official variety descriptions.
We still gladly receive this relevant information in the TQs for the completeness of our database (and for any future changes in protocols or the procedure for additional characteristics).

News item
Gazette of the Board for plant varieties February 2025
The Gazette is the government publication sheet. The new Gazette is published every month.