European Catalogue
A vegetable or agricultural variety is included in the EU Common Catalogue if it is accepted in at least 1 national list of 1 of the member states of the European Union. The variety can then be traded within the whole EU.
Publication in the Plant Variety database
Once a variety is admitted to the national list of the Netherlands, the Board for plant varieties notifies these varieties to the European Union and the EU member states. The variety is then published in the Plant Variety Database (Common Catalogue) of the EU.
The difference between an a and a b variety
In the EU-Plant Variety database, an 'a' or a 'b' appears after the variety name. This is related to the number of official DUS-trials.
The variety has been accepted based on 2 official DUS-tests at Naktuinbouw. Seed of these varieties may be sold as 'certified' seed.
The variety has been admitted based on 1 official DUS-test at Naktuinbouw and one breeders’ co-trial. Seed of these varieties must be sold as 'standard seed'.