
VCU now also possible for Hemp varieties for the production of seed and oil from seed


Until now, it has not been possible in the Netherlands to conduct VCU (Value for Cultivation and Use) research on hemp varieties for the production of seed and oil from seed. There was no adapted protocol, so these varieties could only be admitted if they met the standards for fiber hemp (for which there is a VCU protocol). Since this summer, an approved Dutch VCU protocol for hemp varieties for the production of seed and oil from seed is available. New varieties from this group can be tested against this. A nice improvement that increases the chance of admission of varieties from this group. The protocol can be found on the website of the Dutch Board:

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Gazette of the Board for plant varieties June 2024 is published

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Gazette of the Board for plant varieties June 2024 is published

The Gazette is the government publication sheet. The new Gazette is published every month.

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Submission of DUS material

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Submission of DUS material

It has recently become apparent that due to the wet period that has been plaguing our country recently, some companies have been unable to submit material for their national applications.

The Board for Plant Varieties finds this annoying and understands the impact of this.

Should this also apply to your application, please contact the Board to see whether we can reach a mutually agreed solution.

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Submit a maintenance sample for maintaining vegetable varieties

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Submit a maintenance sample for maintaining vegetable varieties

The Board for Plant Varieties registers the maintainers of varieties registered in the National Variety Register (NRR). The Board is responsible for keeping the NRR up to date. De data regarding the maintenance of a variety is received by the Board from Naktuinbouw who are responsible for the inspection. 

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