Prolongation September 2023

This year, varieties registered in 2008, 2009 and 2015 can apply for prolongation. This also applies to all varieties of potato and sugar beet registered before 2015.


Prolongation of registration for an actual Variety Register

The maintainer of a variety is responsible for prolongation.

In September, the Board for Plant Varieties notifies the maintainers of varieties eligible for prolongation. If a variety is not applied for prolongation, the variety will be deleted from the national variety register and the EU Common Catalogue. The marketing of the material is then no longer possible.

A maintainer can have prolongation applied for by an authorised person.

If you receive the invitation for prolongation as breeder/maintainer and you have authorised someone else, or an organisation, please contact the authorised representative.

They can then apply for prolongation on your behalf.

Are you or your organisation authorised representative of varieties eligible for prolongation?   

Then contact the breeder/maintainer of the variety so that you can apply for prolongation as authorised representative.

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