Prolongation of national plant breeders' rights asparagus, fruit and ornamental plants

The term of national plant breeders’ rights for asparagus and certain woody fruit and ornamental plants has been extended by 5 years to 30 years.

Prolongation of national plant breeders' rights asparagus, fruit and ornamental plants

The Board for plant varieties and the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality have decided to do so after the European Commission extended plant breeders’ rights for these crops by 5 years.

This decision was published in the Gazette of the Board for plant varieties of June 2023. This includes an overview for which crops this concerns.

  • Category A concerns crops that already had a 30-year protection period at community (European) level.
  • Category B concerns crops for which national plant breeders' rights were recently extended to 30 years.
  • Category C concerns crops for which plant breeders’ rights are valid for 25 years.

The prolongation applies to plant breeders’ rights that were still valid on 1 January 2023.

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