Advisory committees
For some of its work, the Board for plant varieties makes use of independent committees comprising members who are experts in the relevant policy area. It concerns 2 committees.

Objection advisory committee
The Board for plant varieties has an objection advisory committee. This advisory committee advises the Board on appeals received by the Board. The committee advises that an objection is well-founded, unfounded or inadmissible. Its composition is shown below:
- Ir. D. Kasse
- H.J. de Greef
- mr. K.A. Fikkert
- mr. P.A.C.E. van der Kooij
Advisory committee on forestry tree species
The Board for plant varieties has an advisory committee regarding the national list of "Forestry tree species ". This advisory committee is composed of independent experts from various sections of the forestry task field.
The purpose of the advisory committee is to:
a) advise the Board on the admission to the national register of trees of stands of the Forestry Directive species, as mentioned in article 10 of the decree on the activities of the Board for plant varieties.
b) make a recommendation on the admission to the national register of trees of stands of forestry reproductive material not falling within the scope of article 10 of the decree on the activities of the Board for plant varieties (non-directive species). If the recommendation is positive, the Board agrees to include the stand in the national register of trees.
c) advise the Board on other matters relating to the task area of forestry in the Netherlands.
Composition of the committee:
- L. Kragt – Staatsbosbeheer – chairman
- L.N.M. van Os – Staatsbosbeheer
- J. Vink - BoHeZa/Anthos/PVM B.V.
- A. Sonnemans – Naktuinbouw
- P. de Labie – Boomkwekerij P. de Labie en Zonen B.V.
- M. Lodders – Lodders Boomkwekerijen B.V.
- mw. dr. ir. J. Buiteveld – WUR/ Centrum Genetische Bronnen – expert
- Ir. W. Delforterie – Provincie Gelderland
- M. Hoffman – Naktuinbouw - secretary